Hector Lavoe

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Claude, qua c'è un e-libro che potrebbe interessarti... e direi che si possa leggere anche via web, ben 187 pagine a disposizione sul numero totale...  :wink:


Panoramica del libro

Santeria, also known as Yoruba, Lukumi, or Orisha, was originally brought to the Americas from Africa by enslaved peoples destined for the Caribbean and South America. By the late 1980s it was estimated that more than 70 million African and American people participated in, or were familiar with, the various forms of Santeria, including traditional religions in Africa, Vodun in Haiti, Candomble in Brazil, Shango religion in Trinidad, Santeria in Cuba and, of course, variants of all of these in the U.S. Today there are practitioners around the world including Europe and Asia. Because of the secretive nature of the religion, it has been difficult to get accurate and objective information, but here, Clark introduces readers to the religion, explores the basic elements, including the Orisha, and answers the many questions Santeria arouses in observers and practitioners alike.

Anteprima limitata - 2007 - 185 pagine

tommy salsero:

--- Citazione da: Claude - Settembre 22, 2009, 11:21:19 am ---
--- Citazione da: valentina - Settembre 22, 2009, 10:14:49 am --- che si invocava con il canto mai mai. 

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Mai Mai?

Ha a che fare con la canzone Coco Mai Mai?

Tommy, ho assolutamente bisogno di comprarmi un libro su questi argomenti, ne hai uno da vendermi, in inglese o spagnolo?

--- Termina citazione ---

Controllo quello che ho e ti faccio sapere.


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