Autore Topic: addio a Agustin Caraballoso  (Letto 2010 volte)

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addio a Agustin Caraballoso
« il: Febbraio 25, 2009, 12:39:44 am »
ricevo ed inoltro....
Agustin Caraballoso, high-profile trumpeter for THE TOP Mambo and Salsa orchestras of ALL-time, has died. He was born in Cuba in 1928. He died on the morning of February 23, 2009 in New York due to major heart attack.

Caraballoso's last appearance in a major film was in "La Epoca - The Palladium Era," in which he plays a major role in sharing how he the mambo rhythm was created by Arsenio Rodriguez in Cuba.

Caraballoso's role in the film was absolutely essential to making sure history was documented correctly.

Caraballoso was a member of Arsenio Rodriguez's orchestra in Cuba AND in New York. He was with Arsenio Rodriguez during the times that Rodriguez created the mambo rhythm, in Cuba.

He also partnered with Cuban legendary vocalist Beny More, immediately upon More's glorious return to Cuba from Mexico after working with Perez Prado. Together, Caraballoso and More formed "Orquesta Intermezzo" featuring other prominent Cuban musicians.

Caraballoso also worked with Machito, Mario Bauza and with Celia Cruz in Cuba.

In New York, he worked with Salsa Legend Johnny Pacheco and with Mambo Legend Tito Puente, Mambo Pioneer Israel "Cachao" Lopez, as well as Moncho Leña, Mongo Santamaria, and Marcelino Guerra.

He recorded on Arsenio Rodriguez's last two albums, including "Arsenio Dice," with mambo legends "Alfonso-el Panameño," Chocolate Armenteros, Rene Hernandez and other prominent musicians of the Palladium-era. Some of the tracks from this album are featuring on the soundtrack of the film.

In a written statement, released just hours after Caraballoso's death, Director and Executive Producer Josue Joseph said, "We were planning on visiting Agustin at the end of March. I'm so saddened by this! I wanted to see him just one last time because I knew he was ill last week. He truly was a friend. A good friend. A man that I respected so much! He always had a smile on his face. He always sounded so happy when I called. My friends are dying!! Our friends are leaving us. All these legends are dying ... all around the same time. It hurts so much! Even though I'm very proud that they were so gracious as to allow me the honor of having me in their homes ... and to be so humble about their careers ... I captured their legacies! I'm so proud of that! It makes what I do so valuable and important!!"

Funeral arrangements are being made. Joseph and his father, "Alfonso-el Panameño" will be attending as well as other legendary musicians.

la mail mi è arrivata dalla produzione del film : "la epoca"

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Re: addio a Agustin Caraballoso
« Risposta #1 il: Febbraio 25, 2009, 09:23:28 am »
Un altro che se ne va...  :shocked: :undecided:

D.E.P.!  :angel:

Cerchi i Titoli, gli Esecutori o le durate di brani di Musica Latina, magari divisi per Genere?
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Re: addio a Agustin Caraballoso
« Risposta #2 il: Febbraio 25, 2009, 09:27:18 am »
Grazie per la segnalazione.
Ogni volta che ci lascia uno di quei musicisti che hanno fatto la storia
della musica che tanto amiamo è come se una parte di noi sparisse
per sempre.
E' una sensazione strana che lascia l'amaro in bocca.
Purtroppo non ci possiamo nemmeno consolare con nuovi artisti...  :sad:

Descanse en paz...

Offline tommy salsero

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Re: addio a Agustin Caraballoso
« Risposta #3 il: Febbraio 25, 2009, 03:02:18 pm »
Quanti musicisti importanti ci sono stati,ad esempio io non lo conoscevo,ma leggendo il suo passato di quell'articolo non possono non venire i brividi.
Grazie della segnalazione.
Descanse en Paz,Maestro.
Tommy Salsero

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