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Offline Claude

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PREMESSA: mi son fatto un qlo cosi per il copia e incolla. Adesso datemi soddosfazione e leggete fino in fondo  :2funny:

4th Annual Collector's Festival 2007

The 4th Annual Collector’s Festival 2007 held at St. Paul Apostle Church On
November 3rd 2007 in New York City was an absolute blast from The Past.  If
you remembered when you were a young child at the age of 5 like myself, you
did not have the opportunity to meet your favorite Latin Artist and musicians
performing at the greatest venues in New York City such as The Cheetah, The
Village Gate and The Hunts Point Palace back in the 1960’s and 70’s.  Even if
you experienced their performances, you still couldn't meet them in person. 
The 4th Annual Collector’s Festival was your only chance to meet, honor and
reminisce those good O’ days with the greatest founding fathers of Latin Soul,
Boogaloo and Salsa Dura.

Fans, both young and old from all over the world that attended the Collector’s
Festival were like little children with candy when they finally met their true super
heroes that recorded the vintage classic Salsa Dura whom fans continues to
love and support till this day.

It almost brought tears in eyes of the our founding fathers of Salsa when they
FANS, OLD AND YOUNG ACROSS THE PLANET.  Indeed it was a memorable
day on November 3rd 2007 and a wonderful experience for young fans as the
founding fathers sat with them signing autographs and discussing their great
performances and the history when they recorded with their band.  Que Viva La
Salsa Dura!  Andres Padua,

The Hall At 10am Before The Doors Opened At 1pm.
Photo Taken By Latin Soul Records.

The Hall at 1pm. Over 3,000 people attended. By 3pm
The Hall Was Packed With Over 500 In Attendance.
Photo taken by Latin Soul Records.

The Latin Soul Records and Table
Photo by Latin Soul Records

DJ Duste "Dustin Anthony" Travels Thousands of miles from
Olso, Norway For This Extravaganza.

Andres Padua producer for Latin Soul Records and DJ Duste meet
for the first time after working together via the internet.  Together
they produced The number one selling compilation album on Latin
Soul Records "Que Viva La Salsa Dura - Originals and Remixes" that
features rare classic Mambo and classic Salsa. It was also the
number one seller at the festival. Surprisingly, Andres gave DJ Duste
the large poster he had made for the festival as a gift for Duste to
take back home with him to Olso, Norway.

The announcer invited DJs to come up and spin 2 mambo classics
since that was the theme of the festival.  When Duste spun 2 super
rare mambos he was told to continue for another 20 minutes and spin
some more.

Here is the proof that today's young generation of DJs are the few
keeping Salsa Dura and the classics alive.  The only old individual of
the three is myself, Andres Padua.

BROTHERS FOREVER!  DJ Duste (Anglo-Indian) and DJ Tono La Conga
(Mexican) together show their love for Salsa Dura.  Who said you had
to be Boriqua to love and support Salsa?

Eliot Rivera (Lebron Brothers), Andres Padua ( and DJ
Duste ( enjoy themselves at the festival.  Although it
was a cold November, these 3 gentlemen had a "Summertime Blues"
at the festival.  "Summertime Blues" was a classic Boogaloo Rivera
recorded and sang with The Lebron Brothers on Cotique Records in
early 70's reissued on Latin Americana Records "Eliot Rivera - The
Singing Sax."

Who is this old ugly son of bitch on my left?  Only kidding Benny. 
Benny approached the table and said "I'm from Dax Pachem." In a
nice manner I replied "who gives a shit, buy a CD. I have to pay bills
and royalties to my recording artists." About an hour later, I realized
who he was after seeing him sign autographs on my freakin table. 
He is no other than the lead singer of Dax Pacem properly spelled
Dax Pachem who recorded for Admiral Records in the early 1970's. 
Who the hell is Dax Pachem? It was Dax Pacem when we purchased
the album in the 70's.  Next time Benny, tell me you are from Dax
Pacem, not Dax Pachem.  We young Salsa Collectors only recognize
the stupid errors created by the record labels in the 70s.  LOL!  It
was certainly a surprise and an honor to meet another legend and
founding father at the festival even though I told this guy, go to hell
and buy a CD from me.

DJ Tono La Conga purchased the classic album by Dax Pacem from a
collector at the festival. Tono resold the album to DJ Duste. Benny is
holding the album as you see on the right as the two young
international DJs conduct the transaction.  I call this picture A
DOUBLE PURCHASE in one night.

I'm sure DJ Duste wanted to cry when Benny Vargas autographed the
classic LP Duste repurchased from Tono La Conga.  Truly Duste is
saying to himself it was worth the 10 hour flight from Olso Norway to
experience this festival in the city where Salsa Dura made its history. 
This classic LP recorded by Dax Pacem goes for at least $100 to $300
on the internet. Benny was shocked because when he purchased the
album in the 70s and it was only $3.50.  He was even more shocked
and surprised to learn young DJs from all over the world are fans of
his classic recording.

What a privilege and honor to be standing next to your heroes that
put Salsa on the map in the 70's.  Collectors are viciously hunting for
their music these honorable legends recorded for independent
record labels.  Amazingly, young collectors and DJs know exactly the
title of the song and album each of these legends recorded.  If you
asked one of these legends in which album you recorded the song
XYZ? They couldn't tell you.  Their memory is failing them due to old
age. LOL!

LA FAMILIA DE SALSA DURA.  From Left To Right: Eliot Rivera
(Lebron Brothers), DJ Duste (, Jerry Hernandez
(Orq. Dee Jay), Izzy Berrios ( and Benny
Vargas (Dax Pacem).

This banner could not be hung-up due its large size so at the end
of the night Izzy and myself held it up for this final photo shot.


The following photos were taken by Izzy Berrios (
There are some surprises on these photos.  I was unaware of some of
our Latin legends attended the festival since I was busy at the table.  Izzy
was also helping Latin Soul Records sell CDs and guarding the table.  At
the same time he went around the hall and took a few photo shots with
some of our legends.

DJ Duste ( and Izzy Berrios (

Salsa Legend "Joe Quijano"

Chino Nunez (Bandleader) on the right!

DJ Duste takes the stage and spins rare classic mambo.

Izzy Sanabria

Andres Padua ( and Latin Soul Records)

Andres Padua and Eliot Rivera (The Lebron Brothers)

Andres Padua with Benny Vargas (Dax Pacem).  Andres is holding a
flyer he created for his website to distribute at the
festival.  The flyer contained pictures of classic Salsa Dura albums
including Dax Pacem's LP he recorded in the early 70's on Admiral
Records.  Fans were asking for Benny's autograph.  Benny was not
prepared for this because he was unaware fans still love his music.
 So what does Benny do? He takes my flyers and starts
autographing it for his fans.  I should have charge him $5.00 per
flyer.  I would have been rich and retired that night at the festival.
LOL! This was my first collector's festival I am never going to forget.

From Left To Right: Andres Padua (, Eliot Rivera
(Lebron Brothers), DJ Duste (, Benny Vargas (Dax
Pacem), Jerry Hernandez (Orq. Dee Jay) and DJ Cuartobate.

Unfortunately, the person who took this photo and the guys on the
photo forgot who the guy on the left. Sorry!  I was also unaware
Sammy Ayala was at the festival.  As of matter of fact, Sammy Ayala
is an old timer and legend who recorded with Cortijo Y Su Combo
in the early 60's and with Joe Acosta in the 70's.

Eliot Rivera and Benny Bonilla (Congero for Pete Rodriguez

Jammin with the old timer "Sammy Ayala"


Offline Marcolino

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Re: Resoconto 4° congresso dei collezionsti di Salsa Dura a New York
« Risposta #1 il: Novembre 12, 2007, 09:34:51 am »
credo proprio che al prossimo ci sarò!
Chi viene con me?

Los Melómanos Italianos
Distinto y Diferente


Offline chevere

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Re: Resoconto 4° congresso dei collezionsti di Salsa Dura a New York
« Risposta #2 il: Novembre 12, 2007, 05:01:24 pm »
Grande Dudu!
Interessante davvero!

Offline Claude

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Re: Resoconto 4° congresso dei collezionsti di Salsa Dura a New York
« Risposta #3 il: Novembre 12, 2007, 08:10:11 pm »
Figata eh?  :smiley:

Offline dodicix

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    • Lista Titoli/Esecutori/Durate/Generi di musica Latina by dodicix (12x)
Re: Resoconto 4° congresso dei collezionsti di Salsa Dura a New York
« Risposta #4 il: Marzo 11, 2008, 05:08:13 pm »
Porca miseria, quanta roba!  :shocked:
E che gente!!  :cheesy:
Maròòòò, non mi farete mica diventare un pazzo collezionista, eh!?!?!  :shocked:
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :buck2: :tickedoff: :uglystupid2:
Non voglio!!!!  :crazy2: :idiot2:
Lasciatemiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!  :shocked:
 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Cerchi i Titoli, gli Esecutori o le durate di brani di Musica Latina, magari divisi per Genere?
Forse posso aiutarti; guarda qui:

Offline Claude

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Re: Resoconto 4° congresso dei collezionsti di Salsa Dura a New York
« Risposta #5 il: Maggio 05, 2008, 01:39:04 am »
credo proprio che al prossimo ci sarò!
Chi viene con me?

Trattandosi di un weekendino, oltretutto in bassa stagione, direi che appena esce la prossima data (in genere la comunicano ad agosto, ma tramite Andres Padua la si puo tranquillamente avere prma) possiamo senza problemi condividere la stanza nella 116a a 55 dollari (diviso due).

Anzi, divido tre, perché viene anche Mamboforever.

E poi li troviamo anche Erik El Flaco di Frisco, Mambomanuel di Vancouver BC e tanti altri forumelli collezionisti di