Autore Topic: Oggi esce il nuovo dei New Swing Sextet  (Letto 1600 volte)

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Offline Claude

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Oggi esce il nuovo dei New Swing Sextet
« il: Novembre 11, 2007, 10:18:54 pm »
Sinceramente, non ricordo se l'ho già messo


New Swing Sextet
Back on the Streets

Label: Emusica / FANIA
Release Date: November 11, 2007
Latin Lady DJ Margarita!

"Back On The Streets," how appropriately these gentlemen named the project that would re-introduce "New Swing Sextet" to this generation of Salseros!

I feel privileged to present to our readers a bit of history about this amazing group of "seasoned" and extremely talented musicians, who previously had their fans and audiences "dancin' in the streets", approximately 28 years ago, before retiring from professional performances in 1979, for the first time!

George Rodriguez and New Swing Sextet were pretty much done with performing and were basically leading "normal" lives with families, raising children and running their own businesses, when George received the call from a good friend pleading with him to help him out by playing at an event. The reply was a polite, "thanks, but no thanks, we're not together anymore..."

Fortunately, for us, this persistent friend continued to "work" the remainder of the band members who collectively agreed and before long the band was indeed performing at this particular event, from which opportunities, offers and invitations followed for additional work. The rest as we say, is history. The group reunited, and began performing again.

If you've ever been influenced by or simply been attracted to the magic of "vibes" such as in renditions by Lionel Hampton or Cal Tjader (who truly made an impression in my own discovery of Latin Jazz), then I guarantee that you're going to love "Back On the Streets" and New Swing Sextet.

Listening to the tracks over and over I was reminded of the many times that we as parents tell our children to walk and not run, to stop, look and listen. Those lessons also contained inner lessons that taught me to slow down, to stop and "smell the roses", enjoy life, grasp the beauty as it passes you by, don't miss a minute of it, because once it's gone, that's it! Time, the one thing we can never, ever get back.

Having learned to appreciate those lessons, I want to share that this is one album that you will most definitely NOT want to rush through. This one is one bad ass mother of a recording that hits the very core of the heart and what most Salsa aficionados will call "home." Whether it's because it takes them back to the streets of NYC, or simply back to an era where although life was tough, it was simple too.

It was a time where music was an integral part of growing up and music appreciation was taught right down the street on 110th. Where everyone knew everyone else and where you went to school with Tito, Johnny or Alfredo. "Back On The Streets" isn't just a recording, this is a journey of cherished memories of happy yesterdays filled with friends, family, laughter and dancing. It's also a statement proclaiming "We're Back!"

This is the kind of music that goes directly to your heart and soul because it's played from that very place. Can you feel it? I can. I'm there, front stage, starry eyed and open-mouthed in awe of being in the presence of such talented artists. All I can do is swing my head to and fro, close my eyes and my body sways to the rhythm of clave. Each track has it's own heartbeat. What a wonderful way to express all that is good in life.

Those vibes lift me to yet another level of bliss, taking it slow, savoring each and every melodic stroke, noting added sensuality & quality that vibes brings to salsa, latin jazz or any other genre for that matter. That it is SALSA for me, is just an added plus. Personally, the vibes touches yet another part of that inner musician that yearns in my own soul to come forth.

It is not only the beauty of music that fills me emotionally, but the beauty and the love that went into the creation of the music, that same love and passion resonate in every note played. You'll hear it and you'll feel it. "Back On The Streets" is truly an exceptional piece of work of which New Swing Sextet should feel immensely proud of.

Yes, I'm biased. But the above comments come from the heart of this musician, who turned out to be a Lady Dj! If it is true that "the Artist creates the music and the Dj delivers the message" then it is with an immense sense of pride and I so willingly accept the responsibility of getting this message to the masses!

I love this CD and I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's going to be very successful!

Track titles include:

Buenas Noches Che Che
Bobo Eres Tu
El Ratón (one of my favorite tracks)
El Balcón Aquel
The Monster
Amor Jibaro
Ay Cariño
El Bongo
El Tiroteo
Monta Mi Caballito

Be sure to listen closely to track 3 "El Ratón" which truly is one of my favorites, and which features George Rodriguez's own son "Alejandro" who contributes to this number with a bit of "rap" adding a unique quality to this already popular and renown piece of music. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

The album in it's entirety is superb and I highly recommend that everyone add it to their personal and/or professional music collection!

Bravo New Swing Sextet!! Here's hoping that your second retirement is a long way off!
Congratulations and welcome again to being.... "Back On The Streets".

Visit New Swing Sextet's page on MySpace, , where you can listen to 2 of the tracks featured on the upcoming new release; Buenas Noches Che Che & Bongo. Remember to come back and visit their page for news on where to purchase the cd.


This review was written for El Caobo Tropical Weekly Newsletter. Please contact with your comments, suggestions and/or any other feedback. Your input would be positively received.

Our mission is to provide our readers with quality information about Salsa; its music, its artists, its dancers, its DJs, its industry professionals, its events and its fans. We hope you enjoy it!
"Live, Love, Laugh & Salsa! The Rest is Optional!"
Latin Lady Dj Margarita!

Offline Claude

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Re: Oggi esce il nuovo dei New Swing Sextet
« Risposta #1 il: Novembre 16, 2007, 01:21:33 am »
Ma voi... l'avete visto in giro?